We are waiting for you to join us in the beautiful sunshine on the coast of Guinea! Whether this is your first time or your tenth , we want to help make your next trip the best one yet!
Join us in Guinea in January 2025! We will be spending most of our time in suburbs of the Conakry and all stay together in a compound at which all drum and dance classes take place. Day trips are currently planned on weekends to Dubreka, the islands of Soro and Kassa, and the Madina market! All meals are prepared fresh daily by Fode's family in our compound and we everything family style all together at the same time and table. (We are able to accommodate vegetarian and vegan meal plans!) Drum and dance classes will take place every day with artists from Ballet Gbassikolo in the morning and afternoon. You will also have the opportunity to perform with Fode's group in the Kaloum Djembe Festival!
$850/week - 1 Week
$800/week - 2 to 3 Weeks
$750/week - 4+ Weeks
The cost includes all classes, meals, lodging, group excursions, and travel to and from the airport. Students are responsible for airfare to and from Conakry, entry visa ($80), and vaccinations. Guinea currently requires yellow fever vaccination to enter the country.
Mon - Friday Daily Schedule:
8:00 AM - Breakfast
9:00 - 10:30 - Drum Class
11:00 - 12:30 - Dance Class
12:30 - Lunch
2:00 - 3:30 - Drum Class
3:30 - 5:00 - Dance Class
7:00 PM - Dinner
Saturday - Sunday:
Day trips, private lessons, shopping, chill time!
A tourist visa is required when traveling to Guinea. Getting a visa for Guinea has never been easier as the process is now done online! Click here to head to the Police Aux Frontieres website. The items needed to apply for your visa online and enter the country are as follows:
Valid passport (not expiring within 6 months)
Valid Return ticket
Yellow Fever vaccination (And Covid19 test/vax in some cases)
Passport size/square photo (on white background) for initial visa confirmation document*
Invitation letter from your host including reason for trip, address of lodging in Guinea, and a Guinea phone number.
$80 payment for Entry Visa. (Note that this is an international charge so it is a good idea to let your bank or card issuer know ahead of time to prevent Fraud Alerts/cancellations.)
When you complete your online visa application via the Guinea Border Police website, you should receive a confirmation email within 72 hours. *This is not your official entry visa * You will print this document out to use as your visa confirmation for all legs of your flight up through arriving in Conakry.
Upon arrival to Guinea, you will go through the first customs check point and then double back to the set of kiosks that will be to your left. It is at that point you will receive your official visa that will be adhered in your passport and stamped for Entry.
It's easy to make a small mistake on your online visa application and we don't want your trip to be delayed because of a mistakenly denied visa application. Reach out with any questions and check back soon for a step by step Visa Application Guide!
*Please note this process applies most specifically to American citizens traveling to Guinea, though the process and requirements for most other countries are quite similar, if not the same.

The festival "Kaloum Djembe " has taken place in Conakry every year since 2015 and is a brilliant and showcase of some of the many Guinean ballets and percussion groups, particularly groups created in the Kaloum area. Students who travel to Guinea with us are invited and encouraged to perform with us! Drum and dance ensembles from around the world are also encouraged to reach out for performance opportunities!